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Backup, Disaster Recovery, Network Monitoring/Security, and Cloud Resources at your fingertips.

Cloud Backup blue banner

Safeguard Against Ransomware

With the alarming rise in ransomware attacks targeting businesses and individuals worldwide, it has become imperative to adopt proactive measures to mitigate the damaging consequences of these cyber threats. While prevention strategies play a significant role in mitigating risks, backup solutions...

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Why Outsource Data Protection?

Data protection is an essential aspect of running a business. With the increasing complexity of technology and the ever-growing amount of data, it's becoming more challenging for companies or IT teams to manage it independently.

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Reasons to backup O365

The reality is that while Microsoft provides infrastructure resilience, data protection remains your responsibility. And without third-party backup, sensitive business data such as emails or shared files stored in Microsoft 365 are not protected from the most common or most serious data loss...

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Cloud Backup Pricing Calculator

Data loss results in both tangible damages (such as financial) and intangible damages (such as reputation) to your business. Any interruption can be costly, and the only way to protect your business from losing essential data is by backing up that data  regularly  and  consistently . Nothing is...
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365 Backup

How to ensure your Microsoft 365 data is backed up.

Chances are, right now you have a Microsoft 3654 application open. Over 1 million companies around the world rely on the suite of Outlook, OneDrive, OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Microsoft Teams on a daily basis. They're...

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Cloud Backup Checklist

There can be quite a few challenges when it comes to backing up your sensitive data. This comprehensive checklist goes step by step on how to make a backup plan and the following action items that follow. From discovering what needs to be protected, to the audit and testing process, use this...

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Common Backup Challenges: Whitepaper

Data is the lifeblood of a business and it's up to IT Departments to keep it accessible and protected. With the ever changing landscape of networks, storage growth, the current (and intense) focus on security, and more professionals working from home, there are many challenges that IT professionals...

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Cloud Migration Checklist

At this point, you know moving your data to the cloud is a good move for the business. Financially it makes sense, efficiency has been proven, and security has been evaluated - it's time to make the move. However, it is important to be aware of the challenges you may face during a migration project...

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2022 Cloud Security Trends: eBook

Throughout the past decade, many companies made the switch from hosting data on premises to the cloud, now that those companies have migrated - how can they keep their data secure and continue to improve their data protection strategy?

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6 R's of Cloud Migration

Migrating to the cloud can be challenging when determining the best migration strategy for your applications and systems. For a further explanation of the 6 R's of Cloud Migration: Re-host, Re-platform, Re-factor, Re-purchase, Retain, and Retire, download this Whitepaper to fully understand what...

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Disaster Recovery blue banner

How do you Ensure a Complete Recovery?

Backup and restore processes can be complex, and there are many factors that can contribute to failures or incomplete restores. It's true that backup software often comes with many options, and without proper training or understanding of these options, users may simply stick with the defaults and...

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Do's and Don'ts of Disaster Recovery

In case you missed the live webinar, here is a short guide on the Do's and Don'ts of Disaster Recovery. Knowing what NOT to do is just as important as knowing what TO DO for a DR event.  For full reference, watch the recording and download the book below to learn how to prepare for a disaster, see ...

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Ransomware Readiness: Checklist

With the alarming increase of complexity and volume of attacks, the US Department of Homeland Security confirmed that ransomware is a major threat to national security. 2022 will see both an increase in the number of ransomware attacks along with more avenues being exploited to inflict an attack.

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RPO vs RTO: How to Maximize Recovery

Recovery Time Objectives and Recovery Point Objectives are the foundation of every disaster recovery plan to minimize essential data loss, maximize productivity, and to ensure uptime.

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Cybersecurity Threats & Steps to Take After Attack

All businesses are at risk of becoming a victim to a cybersecurity event. In order to help mitigate and plan for the potential events, it is crucial to understand the current cybersecurity threats affecting businesses and how to respond to attacks.

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Elements of a Successful Recovery

Once you are faced with the reality that your business operations have been compromised - time is of the essence.  Having a thorough disaster recovery plan will save you large amounts of money, time, and maybe a few gray hairs.

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Calculating Downtime

Businesses today are all at risk of facing a disaster that can inflict a high risk to the business. The implementation of a business continuity strategy has never been more necessary in order to minimize essential data loss, maximize productivity & efficiency, and to ensure uptime. Ask yourself, do...

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4 Step Disaster Recovery Guide

There are many factors that separate a great disaster recovery plan from a good one such as infrastructure, cloud provider, replication technology, cost, etc. True disaster recovery encompasses taking data from one site to another site where the data will be safe and separate from the event you...

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Net3's Business Impact Analysis

How will your business be impacted by a disaster?  Traditional replication and DR solutions were not designed for the virtualized data centers of today. And recovery from these new, virtualized environments may not give you the results you need. Protecting data is an ongoing challenge and to ensure...

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Net3's Disaster Recovery Runbook Template

Being able to achieve business continuity is vital to a business during a data loss event. This Runbook template will be a living document that your team can update and change at any time. By utilizing this template, IT teams can reduce human errors and bring machines back on line efficiently...

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Network Monitoring & Security blue banner

Email Security Checklist

Email has become a tool of choice for cybercriminals to deploy various cyber threats. Fundamental email security methods can recognize certain threats, but advanced email security further thwarts the remaining ones. Given the diversity of attack types, advanced email security needs to address a...

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Digital Trust - Thrive in a Disruptive World

In today’s digital world, where most business is done online and data breaches are becoming more common, digital trust has become a valuable commodity for those companies that earn it. Only the cyber-resilient will survive and thrive. Digital transformation has not only brought new business models...

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Developing a cybersecurity strategy

Knowing the cybersecurity landscape and preparing for cyberthreats is one of the main challenges businesses face today. To combat these threats, both large and SMB's alike face challenges - some similar, some different. Large organizations have more resources, funds, and personnel at their...

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Network Security: The Basics of Securing Your Network

As the threat of cyberattacks continues to rise, it is essential for all organizations to understand and secure vulnerabilities within their network. Vulnerabilities, if not addressed promptly, can expose an organization to ransomware threats, malicious activity, and data loss. With data breaches...

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2023 Cloud Security Trends

Through out the past decade, many companies made the switch from hosting data on premises, to the cloud.  Now that those companies have made the migration, how can they keep their data secure and continue to improve their data protection strategy?

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Cybersecurity Toolkit

Cybersecurity is at an all time high. 43% of businesses hit with ransomware never re-open and 29% close within 2 years. With AI, it's extremely difficult for IT teams to stay ahead of cyber threats and it's even more difficult to keep employees informed of what to look for. This Cybersecurity...

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A Template for Network Inventory

Documentation is key for maintaining a secure environment. To know where vulnerabilities are, what needs to be protected, and how to best protect it - you must have in-depth documentation of the environment. Download this useful template to audit and record your asset inventory, document policies,...

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Cybersecurity Protection

Ransomware and exploitation of networks are becoming much less random and more of a targeted event. Threat actors are beginning to move away from spray and pray phishing emails. Although the vast majority (54%) of ransomware attacks come from phishing, we are increasingly seeing a phenomenon known...

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Network Vulnerabilities Regarding Your Hardware

Ransomware. It's a very hot topic in today's current affairs and with cyberattacks on the rise, network security is the number one issue on IT Exec's minds. In this 3 part blog series, we will present the three types of network vulnerabilities: Hardware, Software, and Humans.

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Network Security Whitepaper: Getting Started

A ransomware attack is estimated to occur every 11 seconds. Last year, the largest ransom ever paid (40 million dollars!) was issued by an insurance agency. Data breaches are occurring at a rate never seen before, and all this malicious activity is being monetized and turned into a business.

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Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud blue banner

Hybrid Cloud Backup: Ensuring Data Security

Hybrid cloud backup is a backup strategy that combines both on-premises and cloud-based storage solutions. With hybrid cloud backup, organizations can protect their critical data by creating backups both locally and in the cloud. This approach allows for greater flexibility and ensures data...

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Implementing Cybsecurity: A Checklist

When it comes to cybercrime, today’s small and midsize businesses (SMBs) are an easy target. Budgets and staffing are limited, and finding the right skilled people is difficult. Many opt to rely on a managed service provider (MSP) to administer their IT needs and keep their workloads and systems...

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Acronis Midyear Cyberthreats Report 2022

This report represents a global outlook and is based on over 650,000 unique endpoints distributed around the world. The main focus here is on threats for Windows operating systems, as they are much more prevalent when compared with macOS. We will see how the situation develops and may include data...

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Acronis Endpoint Protection Software Review

Read the latest review of Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud's Endpoint Protection software. Conducted by Info Tech and Software Reviews, this report encompasses Acronis' top features and capabilities along with a review of their customer support. Being recognized in the Data Quadrant is an accomplishment...

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How to Prevent Cybersecurity Attacks

IT preparedness requires an email-phishing education, creating a risk-aware culture within the workplace is critical to prevent your employees from becoming unknowingly complicit in cybercriminal activity. Remember, a data breach is statistically more likely to come from human negligence rather...

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Acronis Cyberthreats Report 2022

Download this report to learn more about the threat landscape, as encountered by Acronis' sensors and analysts.

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Acronis Advanced Email Security

Detect email-borne threats before it reaches end-users. Block email threats - including spam, phishing, business email compromise (BEC), malware, advanced persistent threats (APTs), and zero-days - before they reach end-users' Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, or any on-premise email server...

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Acronis O365 Backup

We help many clients with O365 backups and through this delivery, we come across a frequent question: If archiving 365 data provides the security to prevent data loss from accidental deletion or malicious intent, why do I need to do a backup as well?
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Acronis File Restore

Watch this quick video to learn how to restore your files from a backup utilizing Acronis Cyber Cloud Protect. Utilizing Acronis with Net3 Cloud Engineers at your side proves not only helpful, but saves time. 

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Active Protection

Ransomware attacks, which pose a direct threat to user data, continue to grow in frequency and complexity. You may have heard of 2017 global epidemics such as WannaCry and exPetr, which hit hundreds of companies around the globe. Good news: We have Acronis Active Protection to keep your data safe...

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Zerto IT Resilience blue banner

Why Choose Zerto For Disaster Recovery?

Ransomware attacks have become increasingly common in recent years, targeting organizations of all sizes and industries. The consequences of a ransomware attack can be devastating, with organizations losing access to critical data and systems and even facing financial losses and reputational...

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Ransomware Preparedness: ESG eBook

ESG surveyed 620 IT and cybersecurity professionals personally involved with the technology and processes associated with protecting against ransomware attacks at mid-market (100-999 employees) and enterprise (1,000 or more employees) to connect the dots between those organizations that feel most...

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The Cost of Downtime

Are you aware of the true cost of downtime? With organizations facing a cost of $336k - $1.38M PER HOUR, it is critical to understand what is at stake. These statistics highlight the impact downtime has on organizations and the top sources of increased downtime. 

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Cyberattack Survival Kit

Ransomware attacks continue to rise not only in frequency, but in complexity and cost as well. It's time to transition to a cyber-resilient approach to ensure always-on service.

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Zerto vs. Legacy Disaster Recovery

Having a solid disaster recovery solutions for datacenters has been top of mind ever since the inception of IT. But IT has changed and evolved with the introduction of server virtualization and the cloud. Are the technologies we have been using over the past 2 decades still suitable for our ever...

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Workload Migration Checklist

This checklist provides an overview to help plan a datacenter migration project and ensure accountability throughout each step.  It takes into consideration application grouping, contingency plans, tracking virtual machine changes, communication plans and more.

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Maximize Recovery

All businesses, across all industries, are susceptible to disruptions, malicious attacks, and losing unrecoverable data. Given enough time, it’s almost guaranteed that your business will encounter some kind of disruption. 

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The Future of Backup

Backup has been an essential part of IT infrastructure since its inception and it is unlikely that will ever change. But with the IT landscape rapidly changing and threats increasing, are we still able to rely on the backup technology we currently use?

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Zerto vs. Traditional Backup

Backup has been an essential part of IT infrastructure since its inception and that will likely never change. But with the IT landscape rapidly changing and threats increasing, are we still able to rely on the backup technology we currently use?

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Runbook Template

Saving time, money and most importantly your data. Being able to achieve business continuity is vital to a business during a data loss event. This Runbook template will be a living document that your team can update and change at any time. By utilizing this template, IT teams can reduce human...

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Veeam blue banner

2023 Cloud Protection Trends

In late 2022, an independent research firm completed their survey of 4,200 unbiased IT leaders and implementers on a variety of data protection drivers, challenges and strategies. This broad-based market study on unbiased organizations across 28 countries is conducted annually on Veeam’s behalf to...
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2022 Ransomware Trends Report

The most common entry point fora cyber attack is still phishing emails, malicious links, or a website that has dubious underpinnings. In considering the old mantra, "go with what works" it is unfortunate that even in 2022 with all the global awareness of ransomware and corporate training available,...
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7 Critical Reasons for Microsoft 365 Backup: eBook

There is a common misconception that Microsoft fully backs up your data on your behalf, and without a shift in mindset, could have damaging repercussions when this responsibility is left unattended.

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2022 Data Protection Trends

Data protection, now more than ever, is providing peace of mind and ensuring business continuity. The world of data protection is wide and varying, across new technology and old, striving to support an ever-changing world of technology.
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Remote Worker Protection Kit

We are now seeing more and more employees working in remote environment. Workstations, laptops, desktops and tablets contain highly valuable information that needs to get backed up in case of data loss, corruption or disaster.

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A Manufacturing CIO’s Guide: Modern Data Protection

The digital transformation strategies that are helping modernize all industries can, in part, be attributed to manufacturing’s fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 improves upon the efficiency and automation protocols of earlier transformations with technologies such as...

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Beat Ransomware

The threat posed by ransomware can be seen on a grand scale, like in a news event about an outage at an organization.  A recent article from ZDNet reports that ransomware attacks are getting bigger and are going to get worse. 
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7 Capabilities you Need for Rapid Recovery

The growth and evolution of ransomware is one of the most destructive trends of the last decade. This explosion has moved ransomware from an economic crime to one with immense global security implications. NATO, the US federal government and military, and the G7 have all recently acknowledged the...

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5 Best Practices for Ransomware

The war against ransomware is real and everyone must be prepared for an attack on their data. The good news is that by preparing in advance, you can align to a framework that provides a reliable strategy when status quo operations are disrupted.

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3 C's of Data Protection

Costs, Complexities and Capabilities.  Small business' everywhere struggle with these challenges.  If you're still relying on legacy systems to keep the lights on or spending the bulk of your day babysitting redundant backup tasks, you're not alone.

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