There is a common misconception that Microsoft fully backs up your data on your behalf, and without a shift in mindset, could have damaging repercussions when this responsibility is left unattended.
We are now seeing more and more employees working in remote environment. Workstations, laptops, desktops and tablets contain highly valuable information that needs to get backed up in case of data loss, corruption or disaster.
The digital transformation strategies that are helping modernize all industries can, in part, be attributed to manufacturing’s fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 improves upon the efficiency and automation protocols of earlier transformations with technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and Internet of things (IoT). Through these advances, manufacturers can build and ship better products, more quickly, and for lower costs.
The growth and evolution of ransomware is one of the most destructive trends of the last decade. This explosion has moved ransomware from an economic crime to one with immense global security implications. NATO, the US federal government and military, and the G7 have all recently acknowledged the severity of the ransomware threat and the need for large-scale coordinated response from government and industry.
The war against ransomware is real and everyone must be prepared for an attack on their data. The good news is that by preparing in advance, you can align to a framework that provides a reliable strategy when status quo operations are disrupted.
Costs, Complexities and Capabilities. Small business' everywhere struggle with these challenges. If you're still relying on legacy systems to keep the lights on or spending the bulk of your day babysitting redundant backup tasks, you're not alone.