Knowing the cybersecurity landscape and preparing for cyberthreats is one of the main challenges businesses face today. To combat these threats, both large and SMB's alike face challenges - some similar, some different. Large organizations have more resources, funds, and personnel at their disposal, but the complexity and number of solutions increase the workload and vigilance for IT teams. Small to midsize organizations are often limited by resources, funds, and personnel, making cyber protection a challenge on a less complex network.
Email has become a tool of choice for cybercriminals to deploy various cyber threats. Fundamental email security methods can recognize certain threats, but advanced email security further thwarts the remaining ones. Given the diversity of attack types, advanced email security needs to address a multitude of vectors, not just a singular one. Below is a comprehensive checklist to aid evaluation activities when looking for advanced email security.
In today’s digital world, where most business is done online and data breaches are becoming more common, digital trust has become a valuable commodity for those companies that earn it. Only the cyber-resilient will survive and thrive. Digital transformation has not only brought new business models and opportunities but also new vulnerabilities. Advanced threats and attacks push the security of most companies to their limits.
As the threat of cyberattacks continues to rise, it is essential for all organizations to understand and secure vulnerabilities within their network. Vulnerabilities, if not addressed promptly, can expose an organization to ransomware threats, malicious activity, and data loss. With data breaches occurring at a rate never seen before, it's crucial for IT leaders today to stay on top of the most current and effective solutions that will protect all aspects of a business network.
Through out the past decade, many companies made the switch from hosting data on premises, to the cloud. Now that those companies have made the migration, how can they keep their data secure and continue to improve their data protection strategy?
Cybersecurity is at an all time high. 43% of businesses hit with ransomware never re-open and 29% close within 2 years. With AI, it's extremely difficult for IT teams to stay ahead of cyber threats and it's even more difficult to keep employees informed of what to look for. This Cybersecurity Toolkit was designed for both IT teams and outside employees to make cybersecurity awareness a bit easier to understand and teach.
Documentation is key for maintaining a secure environment. To know where vulnerabilities are, what needs to be protected, and how to best protect it - you must have in-depth documentation of the environment. Download this useful template to audit and record your asset inventory, document policies, company contacts and emergency contacts. Included is also a great list of more free resources and websites to keep on file for future use and reference.
Ransomware and exploitation of networks are becoming much less random and more of a targeted event. Threat actors are beginning to move away from spray and pray phishing emails. Although the vast majority (54%) of ransomware attacks come from phishing, we are increasingly seeing a phenomenon known as whale hunting.
Ransomware. It's a very hot topic in today's current affairs and with cyberattacks on the rise, network security is the number one issue on IT Exec's minds. In this 3 part blog series, we will present the three types of network vulnerabilities: Hardware, Software, and Humans.
A ransomware attack is estimated to occur every 11 seconds. Last year, the largest ransom ever paid (40 million dollars!) was issued by an insurance agency. Data breaches are occurring at a rate never seen before, and all this malicious activity is being monetized and turned into a business.