Cybersecurity: An ongoing business challenge
Knowing the cybersecurity landscape and preparing for cyberthreats is one of the main challenges businesses face today. To combat these threats, both large and SMB's alike face challenges - some similar, some different. Large organizations have more resources, funds, and personnel at their disposal, but the complexity and number of solutions increase the workload and vigilance for IT teams. Small to midsize organizations are often limited by resources, funds, and personnel, making cyber protection a challenge on a less complex network.
A complete Cybersecurity strategy
In order for businesses to select the best cybersecurity options and maintain cybersecurity standards, it's important to consider all the specific details. For example, protecting employees in the office looks very different from protecting remote workers. The IT 'coverage area' encompasses the network, endpoints, cloud, email, OS, applications, and possibly more. With so many areas to protect, a business may need a number of solutions for a strong cybersecurity program. Contact us to get started
Implement the key fundamentals of a secure environment
To start, businesses must develop and maintain standards that holistically protect entire networks and the IT infrastructure. Vigilance and hygiene are the key fundamentals to maintaining a secure environment. Businesses should:
1. Document Inventory both hardware and software to understand what is out there and what could potentially become vulnerable. Once the proper intel on the environment has been recorded, businesses can begin to process those findings into policies that will keep them on track in the future.
2. Audit and Review documented items for unwanted software, end-users that are no longer needed, and devices that are not known to the enterprise. Keep track of items to be eliminated from the environment, and the discoveries made here will allow teams to develop policies which will keep the environment clean and standardized.
3. Start Policy Development to process the findings above into policies that will keep things on track in the future. As teams begin to build these policies, they will need to keep in mind that policies do no good unless they are enforceable and auditable. Out of the box networks have lots of great tools such as Active Directory group policies to begin enforcement. But many times, they can fall short of a complete solution.
Cyberattacks have evolved dramatically over the years and it's clear that security tools reliant on rules and signatures are no longer capable to protect an organization against threats. Hackers have found multiple ways to breach a network and now that it's turned into a big business, the rates at which they are trying to get "in" seem to increase by the minute. Having tight cybersecurity has never been more important.
This rapid development of cyberattacks means organizations need to strategize wisely on how to protect their business. There is no shortage of cybersecurity solutions on the market today, but different solutions work in different ways and there is not one solution that does everything you need. Organizations need to take an inward look at their environment to determine which solutions are necessary and get the job done in order to have cybersecurity resilience.
Acronis Cyber Protect provides OS level agents that scan both third party and Microsoft software to identify vulnerabilities, then patches those vulnerabilities in a rapid patching regimen.
Carbon Black, DarkTrace, and Acronis all provide agent level EDR capabilities providing process level anti-malware & exploit prevention.
Supplement OS based EDR with pattern based, AI driven network monitoring. DarkTrace provides monitoring for the "the space between" devices, using AI to identify and block exfiltration attempts.
Acronis provides DLP at the agent level. Set up rules on how and where data can be transferred both within and outside the organization perimeter. Acronis stops data exfiltration and has alerts!
As the threat of cyberattacks continue to rise, it is essential for all organizations to understand and secure vulnerabilities within their network. Vulnerabilities, if not addressed promptly, can expose an organization to ransomware threats, malicious activity, and data loss. With data breaches occurring at a rate never seen before, it's crucial for IT leaders today to stay on top of the most current and effective solutions that will protect all aspects of a business network. Download our Cybersecurity Toolkit to get started
Net3 Technology is committed to providing cybersecurity solutions and expertise to businesses that take their network security seriously. Net3 Engineers work side by side with IT teams to understand business requirements and needs in order to recommend the best cybersecurity solutions for each unique customer. For more information about how Net3 can help with your cybersecurity options, contact us and we will be ready to help.
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