Net3's Disaster Recovery Checklist

A 4 Step Guide for your Disaster Recovery plan

Checklist Picture

True Disaster Recovery is taking data from one site to another where it will be safe and separate from the event you encounter. There are many factors that separate a great DR plan from good one such as infrastructure, cloud provider, replication technology, cost, etc.  Though every business prioritizes their plan differently, this checklist is essential to make sure your DR plan is the best it can be for business continuity:

DR: Just another bill or is it something more?


Insurance – the act of insuring, or assuring, against loss or damage by a contingent event. (Webster Dictionary)

paybills in the cloud

We’re all used to buying insurance: home, car, life, and the list goes on.  In business, we insure our data with backups and disaster recovery against power outages, fires, hurricanes, and the employee that just happens to make a wrong click in the wrong spot.  We pay insurance for the event that we hope never happens, and when you think about it, it’s basically a sunk cost until you need it - praying you never do.  That brings up the question:

Is your Business Evolving? Are you sure???

“It’s evolve or die, really, you have to evolve, you have to move on otherwise it just becomes stagnant.” Craig Charles.Blackberry Phone Image

This quote by the famous British actor Craig Charles has never rung more true than in today’s business landscape. The battlefields are littered with so many examples where businesses refused to keep up and evolve. When is the last time you went to rent a movie at a Blockbuster, used a Blackberry device, mailed a letter at the Post Office, or even taken a taxi? It’s a Netflix, iPhone, Email, Uber kind of world out there. This same type of evolution is taking place in your datacenter whether you want to admit it or not.
Most people want to be out of the server business not because they have fallen out of love with their equipment, but because this model simply cannot keep up.



About Net3 Technology

Net3 is a leading Cloud Services Provider.  We own and operate PvDC Cloud, which is located both on the East and West coasts. 

Nationwide, Net3 provides clients with customized cloud solutions for  IaaS, Cloud Backup, Disaster Recovery, Cybersecurity, and Ransomware Protection.  Experience the freedom of choice by utilizing Net3's PvDC Cloud for where you want to your data to go, easy resource management, and flexibility of cost.