Maximize Recovery

All businesses, across all industries, are susceptible to disruptions, malicious attacks, and losing unrecoverable data. Given enough time, it’s almost guaranteed that your business will encounter some kind of disruption. 

The Future of Backup

Backup has been an essential part of IT infrastructure since its inception and it is unlikely that will ever change. But with the IT landscape rapidly changing and threats increasing, are we still able to rely on the backup technology we currently use?

Zerto vs. Traditional Backup

Backup has been an essential part of IT infrastructure since its inception and that will likely never change. But with the IT landscape rapidly changing and threats increasing, are we still able to rely on the backup technology we currently use?

Runbook Template

Saving time, money and most importantly your data.  Being able to achieve business continuity is vital to a business during a data loss event.   This Runbook template will be a living document that your team can update and change at any time.  By utilizing this template, IT teams can reduce human errors and bring machines back on line efficiently during what could be a very stressful time.

DR 101 eBook

Confused about RTOs and RPOs? Fuzzy about failover and failback? Wondering about the advantages of continuous data protection over snapshots? Well, you are in the right place.


About Net3 Technology

Net3 is a leading Cloud Services Provider.  We own and operate PvDC Cloud, which is located both on the East and West coasts. 

Nationwide, Net3 provides clients with customized cloud solutions for Backup, Disaster Recovery, and IaaS.  Our Cloud Managed Services encompass managed Backup/DR, monitoring & remote services, as well as Security, Email Security, and & EDR.