Net3 Resources

Demo: Acronis Office365 Backup

Written by Kate Bissinger | Nov 4, 2021 1:57:26 PM


We help many clients with O365 backups and through this delivery, we come across a frequent question: If archiving 365 data provides the security to prevent data loss from accidental deletion or malicious intent, why do I need to do a backup as well?

It can a complicated issue when verbiage in the Compliance section of the E3 and E02 licensing shows archival. But if you look closely, there is a difference between archiving your O365 data and backing it up.

 Lead Net3 Sales Engineer, Devon Stephens, gives 2 scenarios where backup is better than archiving:


Scenario 1:  A General Admin account gets compromised.

The actor then proceeds to run the following command for each mailbox in the company:  Remove-Mailbox -Identity <Identity> -Permanent $true


This command removes the mailbox, and permanently deletes it from recycle bins and all compliance structures. 


If you are using external archiving services, you can get these mail items back. Typically this would involve recreating all mailboxes, exporting from your archive service as a PST, then importing to the correct mailbox your recreated. Typically this is going to include ALL mail ever sent to  that account, including what has been deleted by the users.


If you are utilizing Office 365 backup with Acronis, you can simply restore the mailboxes.


Scenario 2:  A mailbox in Office 365 becomes corrupted, and the data is inaccessible. 

Microsoft will not restore a single mailbox, and there is no point in time backup. You may be able to perform limited recovery by using outlook cached e-mails, or an archiving service. 


In this video, Net3's Lead Cloud Engineer, Devon Stephens, shows how to simply add O365 to your backup plan.  Acronis is a versatile backup solution that covers a variety of backup mediums - both On Prem and in the cloud.  Learn more about Acronis and some of our favorite features of this product.


Visit Net3's YouTube Channel and see how easy it is to get started with Acronis and know that by working with Net3, customers receive:

• A dedicated team of Engineers for 24/7 support
• A Disaster Recovery playbook
• A thorough onboarding process that includes training on your new Backup/DR product.

* To learn more about Acronis' products, here are some great videos from their YouTube Channel.